14. Mai 2024

Understanding Payment Formats (EN)

Datum: 14. Mai 2024
Zeit: 11:00-11:30 a.m. (EDT)

Description: While not an inherently thrilling topic for most, the foundational aspects of payment formats have become an area of high interest out of necessity. Particularly given the many new payment types and rails coupled with the reality of obsolescence as formats move off of support, treasury professionals are finding themselves in need of a clear understanding of the many format types, their differences, their trajectories, and how each element matters.

This webinar will cover many of the key elements of payment formats, including both the older style (MT101, Fedwire, ACH) as well as newer payment formats (XML-ISO20022/pain.001, API). The information in this session is targeted to hit the relevant level of detail for treasury staff. The webinar will be fast-paced, practical, and applicable for the director/AT/treasurer levels, in addition to analysts and treasury managers.

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