Can APIs Improve Bank Connectivity?
That’s the primary question that a panel of corporate practitioners discussed, with active engagement from a full house audience, in a panel session at the 2023 AFP Conference in San Diego.
Mark O’Toole, Fides’ Head of Sales & Partnerships, Americas, moderated “Why APIs Alone Cannot Guarantee Improved Bank Connectivity: A Candid Discussion of Myth vs. Reality” featuring Fides customers Cathy Cantasano, Executive Director, Treasurer at W. P. Carey; Kelly Carpenter, Senior Manager, Treasury at The AES Corporation; and Janko Hahn, Head of Treasury Operations at Autoneum.
We crafted this session specifically to help other corporate treasurers gain a thorough understanding of today’s API reality, and learn more about alternative options. Cathy, Kelly, Janko, and Mark all have extensive experience with global payments and liquidity management, and each had unique insights to share based on their years of treasury expertise.
Survey Says: The Real Truth About Treasury API Adoption
We went into the session with some ideas about API usage — but we wanted to see what our audience had to say. To do so, we conducted several polls during the session, and the responses from our 400-plus attendees likely offer a representative perspective of the current landscape for most corporate treasury teams.